- (At 6:00pm) Good evening and welcome to the Thursday Night Men’s Step Study meeting of S.A.A. My name is _________ and I am a sex addict. At this meeting, we study The Twelve Steps of S.A.A. Leading a meeting is optional and we ask that the leader relate tonight’s reading and the step to his life in recovery. I’ve asked _______ to lead this evening. Will you relate tonight’s reading to your life and recovery during your lead?
- (At 6:50pm) Let’s thank __________ for leading a great meeting.
- Let’s recognize those who are new to this meeting or have less than 30 days of abstinence. Today we have ________. Keep coming back!
- We’ll hear more in the Treasurer’s Report on the 7th tradition which states that every group is self-supporting, declining outside contributions. The first basket is for rent and the second is for Intergroup. As a reminder, our rent is $50 per month and our goal is to raise $12.50 per week.
- Now, someone has been asked to read the 12 Traditions.
- Reports:
- Literature
- Intergroup
- Sponsorship
- Phone list
- Treasury
- Are there any S.A.A related announcements?
- Please remember that S.A.A. is a Twelve Step program; and, as such, having a sponsor and working the Twelve Steps is crucial to working a successful program.
- Any changes to the format of this meeting require a 2/3 majority vote.
- To serve as Secretary, our brother must:
- Be working with a Sponsor
- Be actively working his Steps and Program
- For those of you who didn’t have the opportunity to share, please feel free to share with a brother after the meeting.
- If you have a court card, I will sign it after the meeting.
- I would like to thank you for the opportunity to be of service and turn the meeting back over to ________ .
Updated 2023-11-22.